PC Pal

01603 766716

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PC Pal Small Business Network with mobile and remote access
This solution is suitable for small businesses with a requirement for onsite, mobile and remote access, robust security and automated data backup - see this solution on the Microsoft website
Our solution consists of

Small Business Server 2008 (Remote Web Workplace, Exchange Email, SharePoint Services, Roaming Profiles, Mobile Access)
Windows 7 Pro for desktops and laptops
Office 2010
Symantec Backup Exec™ System Recovery
McAfee Security as a Service.
Training for staff in the use of the new system.

PC Pal provide free pre-sales consultation to identify customer requirements and the suitable solution
and it's cost. We then install all software on the customer chosen hardware and test in our purpose
built test lab prior to delivery to site.

At the customer location(s) we integrate the hardware and software with existing equipment, data and
software as required and test.

We offer training for the staff who will use the new system if required.

Finally, we offer a maintenance contract with priority service and pricing.