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Our Budget network provides you with all that you need to start sharing data safely.
As you would expect, we design systems that can be quickly and easily upgraded as your needs increase.
Quality Software

 computer support contract
 Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 (SBS 2003 R2) offers powerful network capabilities—including e-mail, Internet  connection, file and printer sharing, remote access, mobile device support, intranets, backup, and more—all in one  affordable, integrated solution. Like previous versions, SBS 2003 R2 is available in Standard and Premium editions.

 Keep your business up and running
 Protect business information with a reliable and security-enhanced infrastructure.
Be assured that your Microsoft software is up to date with the "green check" indicator that lets you know if critical patches and updates are installed.
Prevent data loss and restore deleted files with automatic data backups and the ability to easily retrieve accidentally deleted files.

Do more with less: save time and money
Establish one central place to store business information, making it easy for employees to find, access, and share information and schedules.
Share resources and equipment such as Internet access, printers, and fax machines.
Work from almost anywhere, at anytime, with access to e-mail, internal Web sites, network files, and even business applications from an Internet-enabled PC or Windows Mobile-based mobile device.


  • A state of the art motherboard is at the heart of our budget servers.
    These take a great deal of effort to replace, so don't. This is one area to spend a little more now and save a little more later.  More savings can be had by using a high efficiency power supply.  Ours range from 80 - 87% efficient, compared with around 55% in some well known competitors machines. That could save you almost £112 per year in energy costs.

    Areas that you can wisely save more money on include

    No monitor- use remote admin
    No keyboard- use remote admin
    No mouse - use remote admin
    No back-up software - use Windows own
    Low spec CPU - Upgrade cheaply and easily later
    Use only the RAM you need - Upgrade cheaply and easily later
    Low cost RAID hard drive storage